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And don’t forget plain old giveaways to cronies. Chicago’s inspector general estimated that the city underpriced the 1.2 billion parking deal by close to $1 billion, while others estimated the true value at up to $4 billion. The law firm Katten Muchen Rosenman was paid more than $650,000 to write the contract by the administration of Richard Daley, who joined the firm three years later. A big loss all the way around for citizens, who now pay more for parking and will for another 70 years or so.
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Meanwhile, the five main political parties in the Stormont Executive appealed for calm over the Twelfth. In a joint statement they said: "We appeal to community leaders and, indeed others, such as parents to seek a peaceful parading season to avoid an impact on our citizens, through damaged community relations or the life-restricting consequences of criminal records."
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