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03/08/2017 - 19:20   -   Ernest   
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yasmin fara reteta The Republicans have already started destroying the U.S. Postal Service. They already voted to force them to fund future retiree health care for workers who haven’t even been born yet and are now well on their way to bankruptcy. The House Oversight & Government Reform Committee just voted, among other things, to allow the phasing out of door to door delivery by 2022, end letter & magazine delivery on Saturday and allow the closing of rural post offices and sorting centers. This is an open invitation for private businesses to cash in on the voids in service the Republicans are creating and I’m sure we haven’t seen the end of it yet. The Republicans won’t be happy until the entire U.S. Postal Service is turned over to private business. Then we can all watch the cost skyrocket to send a piece of mail.
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03/08/2017 - 19:20   -   Sierra   
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